Catching up with our 2020 Earth Award Winners
Earth Month is here and to celebrate the launch of our 2021 Terrera Earth Award we caught up with last year's winners!
Meet Tara, Amy and Brianna of Carbon Conversations Toronto who have been sharing conversations with the community about the
the connection between climate change and social inequality, and the need for climate justice.

Here's a update from them on their past year with Carbon Conversations Toronto:
Carbon Conversations Toronto (CCTO) is a volunteer-led group founded to help individuals find hope in the climate crisis.
Receiving the Terrera Earth Award in 2020, even during the uncertainties of COVID-19, provided the Carbon Conversations TO team with the confidence, flexibility and financial security to host our very first online Climate Action Facilitator training. Thanks to this funding, we were able to train 12 people (more than 100% growth of our volunteer team!) and grow our capacity to host more of our flagship 6-week sessions.

“Thanks so much guys for this amazing experience. I learned more from these sessions than I initially thought. Excited to get started on my own 6 week session” Feedback from Climate Action Facilitator
Additionally, in 2020 we worked on embedding climate justice content into the materials we provide to our six-week session participants. We will continue learning about the connection between climate change and social inequality and our hope is to shed more light on the need for climate justice.

We were also part of Toronto’s Public Library, Our Fragile Planet series and hosted a How to Talk about Climate Change During a Pandemic Talk. If you are looking to talk with someone about climate change but would like some tips on how to do so, you can check out the recording here.
This year, CCTO is hoping to offer 5 in-depth, 6-week sessions in 2021, supporting 30 to 40 individuals as they navigate their reactions to climate change and find the motivation to act. Our first sessions start in May 2021, so be sure to check out our website or sign up for our newsletter to learn more!
Extra evaluation information from our training:
91% of Climate Action Facilitators agreed that they now understand how to respond to common emotional reactions that may surface during Carbon Conversations.
100% agree that they understand the process of change and transition and how to support people in this process.
75% of CAF’s were part of a 5-week study group where CAF experienced and led the Carbon Conversations 6-week session model to be better equipped to host these sessions in 2021.
Thank you Terrera for providing us the Earth Award in 2020 to strengthen our work!
We are now accepting applications for the 2021 Terrera Earth Award.
Applications will close on June 1st, 2021.

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