A Safe and Sustainable Easter Weekend

Let’s not forget about our loved ones this Easter even though we may be spending the weekend with a smaller group indoors this year due to the COVID-19 relief efforts. To help everyone stay connected to our families, we came up with simple ways you can celebrate Easter Weekend with your loved ones this year in a safe and sustainable way.

1/ Bake some treats for porch delivery

Featured: Camille T-Shirt Dress in Black
Nothing says love like homemade baked goods at your doorstep. With a couple of simple ingredients, you can whip up some cute Easter treats to share with your loved ones and neighbours. We love this recipe by Eating Bird Food:
With only a few ingredients you can make delicious and adorable little nests out of mini eggs, rolled oats and coconut shreds:

1 ½ cups unsweetened shredded coconut3/4 cup chocolate chips
24 Cadbury mini eggs, jelly beans or macadamia nuts

See the full instructions here:
Recipe courtesy of Brittany Mullins from www.eatingbirdfood.com

When you're done, put the egg nests in cute little baskets like we did here to prep them for delivery! Ring the bell and safely place them on the porch or doorstep. You'll make everyone's day!

Featured: Camille T-Shirt Dress in Black
2/ Make Easter crafts with the kids

You don’t have to go far in the Pinterest world to find fun arts and crafts ideas to do with the kids. Painting eggs? Poke two holes on either side of them, and blow out the insides to save them for eating later.

Here's a simple egg decorating tutorial to get those creative juices flowing!
Want to gift your loved ones a little something more? Here's a cute towel animal craft we came up with using our LNBF towel set that doubles as a gift basket treat:
Step 1: Find a little facetowel like the one from our 3pc Towel Set:

Step 2: Fold away!

Featured: LNBF 3pc Towel Set in White
See the full video tutorial below:
Video courtesy of Jenny W. Chan from Origami Tree
2/ Deliver a grocery basket to an elderly
Nana is probably at home wishing she could go out for a grocery shop. What better way to surprise her than with some fresh veggies, pasta sauce and pasta noodles!
Featured: LNBF Cooler Basket in Black
Purchase a bit extra during your trip to the market and pack a cooler basket full of fresh produce.
Featured: LNBF Cooler Basket in Black
Safely deliver it to a close elderly that you know -they will have the biggest smile on their face!
Featured: LNBF Cooler Basket in Black
3/ Have a virtual feast with your loved ones.
We are fortunate to live in an age where video calls allow us to be face-to-face with our loved ones. Arrange a good time for everyone to feast together, and make sure they are set up with a device that they can video chat with.

Roast some fresh vegetables like carrots and beans for an easy fix!

Though you may not be able to pass the food around the table this year, you can still e-clink your glasses and enjoy a lovely evening together.

Featured: Hudson Raglan Long Sleeve Tee in Ink

How do you plan to cherish family this weekend? Share in our comments below!
Wishing our community a safe and sustainable Easter.
- The LNBF Team

Shop the Story:
1/ Porch Delivery:
Camille T-Shirt Dress in Black
Towel Animal: LNBF 3pc Towel Set in White
3/ Grocery Basket: LNBF Cooler Basket in Black
4/ Virtual Dinner:
Hudson Raglan Long Sleeve Tee in Ink
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